Top 15 in India's Fish

No. 1 Ariosoma Selenops

Arisoma Selenops is a very beautiful fish and delicious. If found in India generally, but rarely find. Knew has gained popularity for all. People from all walks like to eat them.


Ariosoma Selenops

No. 2 Garden spotted eel

Spotted garden eel is a type of fish that is a snake How to View. In geral, are popular in India. Everybody like this the fish As this type of fish is available in India. Usually it horn ash and Beautiful. It is also delicious.


Spotted Garden Eel

No. 3 Conger cinereus

Conger cinereus and wonderful fish are not nutritious. If located in the Sea of ​​India. As the people, is self That meets his Asked the Nutrition. Usually eats so março scenario bass


Conger Cinereus

No. 4 javanica Moringua

Moringua javanica is more particularly in the Indian fish. Isa nutritious. Not as Finding of Rare. THIS available. People think his birthday Asked That, Knew entirety. It has a high popularity in India.


Moringua Javanica

No. 5 Moreia

Moray eel is the most beautiful fish What is in India. It is a great source of nutrition. Like most people, não Knew the only nutrition, but also for his generosity. It's delicious.


  Moray Eel

No. 6 Nemichthys scolopaceus

Scolopaceus Nemichthys IS A quirky Some people fish and fish não not think of really. It is of funds in India. People like to eat. It is a nutritious food. Are popular on the other side of India.


Nemichthys Scolopaceus

No. 7 Venefica tentaculata

Venefica tentaculata fish are not high and has a high tail. Delgado is lovely to watch. As the people to eat. If found in India generally. This is very strange fish.

Venefica Tentaculata

No. 8 Myrichthys maculosus

Myrichthys maculosus fish is not very nice. It's a little like a snake to watch. It's delicious and nutritious. The most the people this fish Como. Usually the live frame background


Myrichthys Maculosus


No. 9 Melanotaenia boesemani

Melanotaeia is a small fish. It is very delicious. It is always beautiful and group living. Are the people love it so much that is nutritious. It is a red-colored silver fish.


Melanotaenia Boesemani

No. 10 Labidesthes sicculus

Labidesthes of the horn is a black light provável fish. You eat a lot by people of all kinds. If found in India and is delicious to eat. The most the people this fish Como.


Labidesthes Sicculus

No. 11 variegated Lizardfish

Lizardfish're miss variegated fish. Lives in coral reefs. People rarely turns in the office, That Is remains in Alta frame is very popular. If responds to the demand of the people.


Variegated Lizardfish

No. 12 Alepisaurus Ferox

The more fish under special has a large market Popularity seen inside the India of Alepisaurus ferox. It is delicious and nutritious food. It has a large number of peak in the back.

Alepisaurus Ferox

13 Deep Sea peixe

Deep sea fish is not fish live in the depths So the framework is called deep-sea fish. It is very popular in India. It has proteins, minerals and very delicious to eat.


Deep Sea Fish

14 Tripé Peixe

Tripod fish is a very strange fish. It has three legs and what is called BY tripod fish. This is very popular in India fish. It proteins, calcium and other. It's delicious.


Tripod Fish

Mergulhador 15 Arena

Arena diver live in the sand at the bottom of the particular framework is nice and worm. It Has Nutrition, Proteins and other vitamin. If found in India. It's delicious.


Sand Diver


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